Coming in June 2013
Treasury of Mini Comics Volume One edited by Michael Dowers in which there'll be a few
Jessica of the Schoolyard reprints included, I forget which ones. Check out the list of contributors to this one: Ron Regé Jr., David Lee Ingersoll, Matt Feazell, Molly Kiely, Carrie
McNinch, Fiona Smyth, Mark J. Palm, Peter Thompson, David Lasky, Jim
Woodring, Colin Upton, Marc Bell, Nate Beatty, Ronald Russell Roach,
Leonard Rifas, Justin Green, Gary Arlington, Brad Johnson, Eric
Reynolds, Travis Millard, Tim Corrigan, Kelly Froh, Max Clotfelter, Mark
Campos, Andy Singer, Lilli Loge, Noah Van Sciver, Chris Cilla, Mark
Todd, Esther Pearl Watson, Onsmith, Leela Corman, Steve Willis, Laura
Wada, John Porcellino, Tom Hart, Jeffrey Brown, Roberta Gregory, Pat
Moriarity, Edd Vick, David Heatley, and many more.
Order it from Amazon